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Quo Vadis? Whither are we going?

The recent Annual General Meeting of the Kosmos Retirement Village leaves one speechless and deeply concerned. What was supposed to be a safe haven where older people can spend their retirement years in peace of mind and dignity has become a place of uncertainty and turmoil. Transparency and openness fading away; hiding behind incompetence, excuses and sweeping issues under the rug.

The organisation is supposed to be in the public domain and pro-older persons. However, to see and hear the outcry of residents ignored, is disturbing. One needs to understand many residents have invested their last savings in the organisation. What is even more disturbing is the fact that they have no real say in the stewardship of the organisation. Despite a law, protecting their interests, their voice and requests are cunningly negated through clever arguments and controversy.

The following questions need to be answered:

  • Why have so many elected directors in the past vacated their positions before the end of terms of office?

  • Why is Act 13 of 2006 only partly implemented with regard to the residents committee and its role and responsibilities?

  • Why are so many rooms standing empty?

  • Why was an incomplete financial report presented at the last AGM?

  • Why are there no proper tender processes in place for services rendered to the organisation?

  • Why are there preferred providers and so many local businesses ignored?

The list of questions is infinite.

The Companies Act is so clear on the requirements, abilities, competences and liabilities of directors. However, it is selectively applied.

What was supposed to be a report back to the residents and community of Standerton, ended up in doubt and uncertainty. One wonders how many people who attended the meeting of 14 June will attend the next meeting. Furthermore, how many people will be willing to serve on the board in future after such a demoralizing event that took place on 14 June? It is saddening to see a meeting ending with no concrete resolutions taken and no election of desperately needed willing, dedicated, competent and committed board members. One wonders again, who is being protected and what is being hidden?

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